BOEING 737-3H4


Marc Payne -


Southwest Airlines "Shamu" Livery with the new Canyon Blue Colors. ******N334SW******


Repaint of the Default Boeing 737-400 Included with FS2002 to portray the 737-3H4


1. Unzip the b7373h4 file to a temporary folder.
2. Copy the "boeing 737-3h4" folder into fs2002's aircraft folder.
3. Thats it, your b737 is installed.

Go Fly, and have fun!!!!


Copyright 2002

This aircraft is available for editing under the following conditions

1. Proper Credit must be givin to the original author of the aircraft
~~aircraft - Microsoft Games
~~aircraft paintjob - Marc Payne
2. Aircraft is not for any sort of commercial use, or for the profit of any individual.


Aircraft Photos Credits
Mark Durbin
Art Brett

